00268 Easy If
Implement a util If
which accepts condition C
, a truthy return type T
, and a falsy return type F
. C
is expected to be either true or false while T
and F
can be any type.
For example:
type A = If<true, "a", "b">; // expected to be 'a'
type B = If<false, "a", "b">; // expected to be 'b'
import type { Equal, Expect } from "@type-challenges/utils";
type cases = [
Expect<Equal<If<true, "a", "b">, "a">>,
Expect<Equal<If<false, "a", 2>, 2>>
// @ts-expect-error
type error = If<null, "a", "b">;
This is an easy one. From previous questions we know we can restrict C
to extend boolean
and use a tertiary expression to return T
or F
type If<C extends boolean, T, F> = C extends true ? T : F;
By now we should get all tests pass. If thereโs still any error in type error = If<null, 'a', 'b'>
, it is because in TS non-strict mode, null
can extend boolean
. We can simple turn on strict mode.
"strict": true, // Enable all strict type-checking options.
"strictNullChecks": true, // When type checking, take into account 'null' and 'undefined'.
00898 Easy includes
Implement the JavaScript Array.includes
function in the type system. A type takes the two arguments. The output should be a boolean true
or false
For example:
type isPillarMen = Includes<["Kars", "Esidisi", "Wamuu", "Santana"], "Dio">; // expected to be `false`
Test cases
import type { Equal, Expect } from "@type-challenges/utils";
import { Includes } from "./template";
type cases = [
Equal<Includes<["Kars", "Esidisi", "Wamuu", "Santana"], "Kars">, true>
Equal<Includes<["Kars", "Esidisi", "Wamuu", "Santana"], "Dio">, false>
Expect<Equal<Includes<[1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7], 7>, true>>,
Expect<Equal<Includes<[1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7], 4>, false>>,
Expect<Equal<Includes<[1, 2, 3], 2>, true>>,
Expect<Equal<Includes<[1, 2, 3], 1>, true>>,
Expect<Equal<Includes<[{}], { a: "A" }>, false>>,
Expect<Equal<Includes<[boolean, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7], false>, false>>,
Expect<Equal<Includes<[true, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7], boolean>, false>>,
Expect<Equal<Includes<[false, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7], false>, true>>,
Expect<Equal<Includes<[{ a: "A" }], { readonly a: "A" }>, false>>,
Expect<Equal<Includes<[{ readonly a: "A" }], { a: "A" }>, false>>,
Expect<Equal<Includes<[1], 1 | 2>, false>>,
Expect<Equal<Includes<[1 | 2], 1>, false>>,
Expect<Equal<Includes<[null], undefined>, false>>,
Expect<Equal<Includes<[undefined], null>, false>>
My first thought on this one would be this:
type Includes<T extends readonly any[], U> = U extends T[number] ? true : false;
Unfortunately, it fails on some tests. The reason is the expression U extends T[number] ? true : false
will compare the type of every elements in T
with U
, and return true
or false
for each comparison, in the end, the type would be a union type of all true
results.true | true
would be true
and true | false
will be boolean
We can use another approach to use infer
to get each element of the array and use the provided Equal
function to recursively do comparisons.
type Includes<T extends readonly any[], U>
= T extends [infer FIRST, ...infer REST]
? Equal<FIRST, U> ? true : Includes<REST, U>
: false
We can recursively use this Include
type by passing REST
as a generic type.
03057 Easy Push & 03060 Easy Unshift
Implement the generic version of Array.push
For example:
type Result = Push<[1, 2], "3">; // [1, 2, '3']
Implement the type version of Array.unshift
For example:
type Result = Unshift<[1, 2], 0>; // [0, 1, 2,]
The Solution would be the same as concat
, which is to use the spread
operator to create a new array type.
// Push
type Push<T extends any[], U> = [...T, U];
// Unshift
type Push<T extends any[], U> = [...T, U];
The spread operator can also be used on type.
03312 Easy Parameter
Implement the built-in Parameters<T>
generic without using it.
For example:
const foo = (arg1: string, arg2: number): void => {};
type FunctionParamsType = MyParameters<typeof foo>; // [arg1: string, arg2: number]
import type { Equal, Expect } from "@type-challenges/utils";
const foo = (arg1: string, arg2: number): void => {};
const bar = (arg1: boolean, arg2: { a: "A" }): void => {};
const baz = (): void => {};
type cases = [
Expect<Equal<MyParameters<typeof foo>, [string, number]>>,
Expect<Equal<MyParameters<typeof bar>, [boolean, { a: "A" }]>>,
Expect<Equal<MyParameters<typeof baz>, []>>
We can use infer
to get the type of function parameter.
type MyParameters<T extends (...args: any[]) => any> = T extends (...infer ARGS) => any ? ARGS : never
Till now, we have finish all EASY level questions.๐๐